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excellently networkedGIQS e.V. – a strong network
for the agro-food sectorFurther information
Services from GIQS
This is our main focus

GIQS initiates cross-border cooperation and finds cooperation partners

GIQS coordinates joint cross-border research and development processes

GIQS prepares the results of projects and disseminates them further
Recent news from the GIQS network
Project develops mechanical soil loosening method
Unser Boden/Onze Bodem |
German-Dutch consortium presents project results
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German-Dutch consortium worked on reduction of endotoxins
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BEL AIR: Project on endotoxin emissions from poultry houses
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New technology can prevent fruit and vegetable allergies
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BEL AIR project is expanded with new work package
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TreeMania partners at “Baumpraxis” event
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Website for TreeMania project launched
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Jubilee: 20 years of GIQS
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Shooting for final film
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Cook.3D presents prototype
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Fine dust measurements in poultry
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Food Pro·tec·ts master thesis takes 3rd place
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Cook.3D project presents results at conference
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Drought in cities offers opportunities for the TreeMania project
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New project TreeMania approved
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Steering board meeting shortly before end of project
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GIQS organised FOOD2020 steering group meeting
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Event “HighTech meets Biomass” successful
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Cold plasma test equipment installed at pigsty
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General Meeting: GIQS Executive Board confirmed in office
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Started: Cook.3D develops intelligent 3D food printer
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First results at project halftime
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Kick-off meeting: BEL AIR officially launched
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FOOD2020 enters second project phase
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Workshop: Contemporary approaches for agri-food companies
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Closing event of the research project MarkiT
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EU financial framework: Future of INTERREG
Presentation at the Ministry of Economics NRW
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Mid-Term-Meeting Food Pro·tec·ts at Rolduc Abbey
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FOOD2020 feasibility study “SMART Blended Learning” launched
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Workshop on sustainable food packaging materials
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Running funding projects from GIQS