Food Pro·tec·ts

Food production technologies for trans-boundary systems

This project, in which GIQS is Lead Partner and coordinates the work of numerous partner organizations, runs from July 2016 to June 2020. The priority is to increase cross-border innovation in the program area and has project costs of a total of almost ten million euros.

Source: scusi/

Food Pro·tec·ts was developed to bring high-class, technological innovations into the German-Dutch economic area. In the project, entrepreneurs from both countries work together with innovation experts within different technology clusters, with the goal of developing new and novel technologies together and learning how to handle them.

All the technological products that will result from this project are, on the one hand, precisely geared to the needs of regional SMEs. On the other hand, they should help to secure existing competitive advantages of the entire region compared to other locations around the world and expand as far as possible

The project partners also want to make their personal contribution to the progress of the so-called agricultural change. Modern society expects food to be produced and offered on a sustainable, regional, and high quality basis.

Project focus and partners

The project is planned for a term of four years. Altogether 22 project partners have a total budget of around 10 million euros in seven different clusters. The thematic focus is on the following aspects: increasing consumer protection and information to consumers, reducing water and food products within production, improving animal welfare and health, as well as new ways of transforming biomass into valuable products, e.g. Feed.

In addition to the lead partner GIQS, a total of 21 other partners are involved in the project Food Pro·tec·ts: Blue Engineering, ChainPoint BV, Dr. Berns Laboratorium GmbH & Co. KG, Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Landwirtschaftskammer Nordrhein-Westfalen, IVD (Gesellschaft für Innovative Veterinärdiagnostik mbH), UMCG (Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen), DLV Intensief Advies BV, Inno+ BV, Veravis GmbH, Wageningen UR, Kreis Borken, Grenol GmbH, Soepenberg BV, Marel Poultry B.V., NGN Pro-active B.V., NGN-Products B.V., Gemeente Venray, ZLTO and CJ Wildbird Foods Ltd/Vivara.


Food Pro·tec·ts is implemented under the INTERREG V A programme Deutschland-Nederland and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, MWIDE NRW and the provinces of Gelderland, Limburg and Noord-Brabant. It is accompanied by the programme management of the Euregio Rhein-Waal.

  • Funding programme: INTERREG V A
  • Term: 07/16 - 06/20
  • Budget: 10 MM Euro
  • Partners: GIQS + 21