Risk assessment of raw milk consumption and possible consequences
The study carried out during the project period covered the consumption of raw milk. Raw milk is a risky food. The extent of consumption and marketing in NRW is not known. In order to improve consumer safety, measures at all stages of marketing were investigated. The study highlighted the relevance of raw drinking milk in North Rhine-Westphalia. On the basis of the available data and developments in agriculture, an assessment and a procedure for estimating how raw milk consumption can develop further were presented.

Source: Angelina Litvin/Unsplash
In close consultation with the MKULNV, the following areas were systematically investigated: Risk assessment: Based on the scientific opinion of the EFSA, the risks that may be of particular relevance in North Rhine-Westphalia were examined (brucellosis: status brucellosis and leukosis-free, but also Coxiella burnetii). Consequences for public health: It was examined whether there are relevant criteria in the occurrence of infections in humans that can be traced back to raw milk consumption in North Rhine-Westphalia. Monitoring: Based on the described agricultural situation and risk assessment, recommendations for self-monitoring and the actions of the monitoring authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia were derived. Particular attention was paid to the monitoring of animal health, the monitoring of compliance with food hygiene and the monitoring of infections. Consultation: From the agricultural structure, risk assessment and monitoring approaches, areas of consultation were identified in which livestock farmers and marketers of raw milk can be given additional information. Consumer information: On the basis of the documents compiled up to that point, a concept for consumer information was developed. The submitted report was prepared on the basis of available scientific documents. In addition, discussions were held with monitoring authorities and other relevant stakeholders.
An analysis, evaluation and recommendation for action was developed for the above-mentioned topics. The project could thus be finalised in terms of time and content without any significant deviations from the approved grant.
- Funding agency: MKULNV NRW
- Budget: 22.264 Euro
- Term: 09/15 - 12/15
- Partners: GIQS