Prize for research results from the MarkiT project

At the annual meeting of the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) in Baltimore (Maryland, USA), food chemist Céline Heinemann from the University of Bonn took second place in the poster competition. With her poster “Evaluation of methods for determining cleaning performances in pig stables”, she prevailed against about 30 other American doctoral students in several rounds. Only Margaret D. Weinroth from Colorado State University had to admit defeat. Organizer Prof. Mike Tokach from Kansas State University emphasized that Céline Heinemann is the first non-American prizewinner in the history of these competitions.
Céline Heinemann was supervised in this work by Dr. Julia Steinhoff-Wagner from the Department of Preventive Health Management of the Institute of Animal Sciences at the University of Bonn. The research results come from the research project MarkiT supervised by GIQS on the further development of a branded meat programme into an animal-friendly primary production taking into account economic and social aspects. The project is funded by the Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE) and the Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank’s special-purpose assets. Participation in the competition was made possible by DAAD funding.