14th July 2021 | Unser Boden The aim of UNSER BODEN is to carry out practical tests for novel soil improvement measures.Read more
14th July 2021 | EXODUS The aim of EXODUS is to test a new and very innovative method for biological soil decontamination.Read more
9th December 2019 | TreeMania The goal of TreeMania is to develop sustainable methods for the cultivation, planting and care of trees and shrubs in urban areas.Read more
13th July 2019 | BEL AIR A healthier habitat for humans and animals is to be created in and around poultry farms by reducing endotoxins in the air.Read more
12th July 2019 | Food Pro·tec·ts Food Pro-tec-ts was developed to bring high-class technological innovations into the German-Dutch economic area.Read more
12th July 2019 | FOOD2020 II The second phase of the project FOOD2020 aims to prepare the food industry in the German-Dutch border region for 2020.Read more
30th May 2018 | MarkiT The aim of the MarkiT project is to extend and further develop an existing branded meat programme with animal welfare aspects.Read more
31st December 2017 | FOOD2020 I The first phase of FOOD2020 aims to prepare the food industry in the German-Dutch border region for 2020.Read more
31st December 2016 | Tierschutz – NRW-Geflügelerklärung NRW has reached an agreement on the withdrawal from the routine shortening of upper beaks.Read more
31st December 2015 | Wirtschaftlich Impfen The outbreak of an animal disease always causes enormous economic damage to the affected farms.Read more